Pattern Lab's Special Query String Variables

Pattern Lab comes with support for a number of special query string variables to help you share patterns with clients. These query string variables include ways to link to patterns, set the Pattern Lab viewport to a specific width, open various views as well as start Hay and disco modes on page load. There are lots of options:

Linking to Specific Patternspermalink

You can link directly to any pattern listed on the Pattern Lab website. This might be useful when asking clients for feedback on a particular template or page pattern. If you want to link from one pattern to another use the link variable.

Copy & Pastepermalink

The simplest method is to copy the address found in the address bar.

It's also very easy to create a link manually. Simply append ?p=pattern-name to the end of the address for your Pattern Lab website. For example, if we wanted to link to the templates-article pattern we'd add the following to the address for our Pattern Lab website:


The direct link feature supports the shorthand partials syntax found in the Node version of Pattern Lab. Just provide part of a pattern name and Pattern Lab will attempt to resolve it.

Setting the Default Width for the Viewportpermalink

You can load a specific viewport size by using the w query string variable.

http://patternlab.localhost/?w=320   (sets the viewport to 320px)
http://patternlab.localhost/?w=400px (sets the viewport to 400px)
http://patternlab.localhost/?w=40em  (sets the viewport to 40em or 640px)

And it works with the p query string variable so you can also do:


Opening Annotations View on Page Loadpermalink

When sending a particular pattern to a client for review you may not want to include directions for how to open annotations. You can force the annotations view to open on page load by using the view query string variables with the values annotations or a:


You can also force the annotations panel to scroll to a particular item by including the query string variable number. To scroll to the fifth element in the list of annotations you'd do the following:


Opening Code View on Page Loadpermalink

When sending a particular pattern to a client for review you may not want to include directions for how to open the code view. You can force the code view to open on page load by using the view query string variables with the values code or c:


You can also force the HTML tab mark-up to be highlighted for copying by including the query string variable copy.


Starting Hay Mode on Page Loadpermalink

You can start Hay mode automatically when the page is loaded by using the h or hay query string variables.


And it works with the p query string variable so you can also do:


Starting Disco Mode on Page Loadpermalink

You can start disco mode automatically when the page is loaded by using the d or disco query string variables.


And it works with the p query string variable so you can also do:
